Computer Engineering Department

The Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the Computer Engineering Department


The department seeks to create an environment that is compatible with the quality of university education in the field of computer engineering and to prepares students for a global technological community and guide them towards serving the society and meet the demands of the labour market. The department also seeks to communicate with the modern scientific developments in the field of computer engineering, which leads to the continuous development of the curriculum and the upgrading of teaching staff through the establishment of workshops and training to provide them with scientific and practical experience and provide services to various state institutions and the private sector.


Stimulating the student's scientific potential through educational programs in computer engineering to link the theoretical basis with the scientific and practical aspects of the programs, thus enabling them to acquire the necessary skills required for the labour market. The Department of Computer Engineering aspires to be a prestigious educational and research institution capable of achieving its mission in community service through the various applied specialist research, which brings prosperity and progress to everyone and graduated a computer engineer capable of advancing the wheel of development.


1. Preparation of engineering staffs with a high level of understanding, knowledge and psychological preparation, capable of building, analyzing and developing computer systems with follow-up of these staffs after graduation.

2. Follow up the curriculum to keep pace with the scientific development to suit the needs of the labour market using the latest means and equipment and the adoption of quality measurements and academic accreditation.

3. Establishing fruitful scientific relations with computer engineering departments through organizing seminars and holding scientific conferences and workshops with other colleges, government institutions and the private sector to solve problems and develop the work of these institutions.

4. Providing technical and scientific academic consultations in the fields of computer engineering for all other governmental and private sectors of society.

5. Provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that qualify them to continue their postgraduate studies.

6. Encouraging students to become self-motivated and keen to find and understand the knowledge necessary to succeed in the tasks entrusted to them in the future.